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Tuesday, January 12, 2010

For Our Boys

In writing this weeks piece I hesitate.
I do so because I know it is still such a sensitive subject to many.
I have decided to do so because this is our outlet, our voice and our right to speak our minds and say whats in our hearts.
Being a Black Latina never hit me so hard as it did today. I honestly do not know how to feel. Part of me wants to cry, and I do.....part of me wants to scream but I also am so confused that part of me doesn't know what emotion to equate with this experience.
I am a Black Latina. It doesn't get any simpler than that. My mother is Black and my father Ecuadorian.

Today I was with my Ecuadorian familiy at a cousins birthday party for her 5 yr old son. I also have a little boy of my own and his father is Dominican. My boy has a very diverse background so you can only imagine his physical appearance. Since he has started to grow hair he has had these two little curls on both sides of his head. They're both very noticable and innocent. Before today I honestly have never took notice of the texture of his curls, he also has some hair on the top of his head that simply lays there. I myself have extremely curly hair, and his father does too. The texture of both of our hair is very different thus resulting in my boys curls, which only time will tell how they will turn out.
So there we are greeting family and enjoying time with my boy as he travels from arm to arm greeting his family. Another cousin of mine then makes a comment about my sons hair. Non chalantly he says "nigger naps".
I simply drift off into space.....into another time..... but where? where did I go? why did I freeze? why did I not interject and react? but if I had what would I have said? what could I have said? and would it have made a difference?
He obviously did not see the wrong in using that word. The way he said it justified the fact that this was not the first time he has used it.
The name continued throughout the 3 hour party, although I kept my distance I tried to make sense of it.
Not even another family member said anything, although his mother did give me permission to " get him", whatever that meant.
That makes me think that maybe they did know that it was not something that should be said.
So now I sit here extremely confused and a little upset at myself.
As I play the moments over and over in my head, I think of the things I could have said, the scene I could have made.
Would anyone have really understood
There would have been no coming back from that.
But then I think of how ignorant and uneducated some people can be, and how insignificant it would be trying to change them.
A waste of breath and waste of energy.
I think of how many young people use that word in slang and loosely.
That hardly ever bothered me.
But this time it hit close to home, maybe because it was unexpected, maybe because it was family, maybe because it was my innocent little boy and the fact that I want to shield him from all the madness and any harm that might ever come his way.
The Black Latina Movement will work toward helping us feel empowered at times like this.


At January 14, 2010 at 11:46 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your post hit so hard and close to home that I teared up as I read. I too, am a black latina. My mother is black & dominican; my dad dominican. My hair? Course and kinky? My Spanish? Fair to Medly. My understanding of who I am? On point. My experiences of how many others, esp. other latinos view me? Discriminatory/derrogatory and a 'wanna be.'

Huh? A wanna be? I AM! And guess what? I didn't ask for it. The Most High had His design in place for me. There's nothing I can do about it...and nothing they can either.

Funny thing is I had a dream last night...part of that dream I was standing up at this table with about a dozen or more Latino looking people, men and women, who were eating. One woman stood up and said, "You're no Dominican. You're a Nigga." In this dream I yelled so loud, "MY PEOPLE ARE IN DOMINICAN REPUBLIC TOO, JUST LIKE YOURS!" I yelled it so loud I said it out loud and woke myself up...then this afternoon I come across your post. Wow, is all that I can say.

Thank you for writing this. Thank you for understanding what I go through. Sometimes I feel so alone b/c of my mixed heritage. Some of my own family don't accept me. Your post and this blog helps me to know that I am not we WILL be a voz to be reckoned with in the very near future.

PS: Kinky curls ROCK and is the most beautiful hair IMHO! ;)

At January 17, 2010 at 5:06 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I dont think it would be insignificant at all to try and change those uneducated people. Change does not happen overnight. It takes time, one person at a time. Obviously you are all for change and educating people on this matter/topic/issue as you are apart of this movement. I would suggest you start thinking about change within your own circle, your family. I believe this will help you feel better once your family start to come around and understand the hardship behind it all. Get your family to understand what its all about.

Some people will always be ignorant and never understand, especially the old skool older folk. But its the new generations that are more open to things including change.

keep your head up and your little boy will be fine.

God bless!

At January 27, 2010 at 6:59 AM , Blogger Black Latina Movement said...

I am so glad that I could share something like this with you and you could relate on so many levels.
Its so weird the world we live in, we think we are so united yet we are so divide among our own people. Sadly that is how some people, latinos especially, measure our level of being hispanic. It doesnt matter how much spanish we speak but that we are who we are. Nothing or no one can change that.

You are very welcome and thank you for such a significant response. It really does mean alot.
When you're looking in the mirror and trying to make sense of YOU and the beautiful unique you that you thinks looks like not one person out there...SMILE....and know that we are here, and like you said our voice will only get stronger.

At January 27, 2010 at 7:07 AM , Blogger Black Latina Movement said...

Thank you again, and I know change is inevitable but sometimes it seems really hard.
I know being a part of the movement will definitely help us implement a change if not only spark something for others to follow.
Its for my boy and the younger generation that we need to make a way for but getting through to others will be a challenge.

At March 2, 2010 at 4:46 PM , Blogger Fundacion Naidy said...

I don't understand what you mean when you say your mother is Black and your father is Ecuadorian. You are describing the color of one and the nationality of the other? Your mother could be a Black person from any country, including Ecuador. Is your father White (Blanco) or Indigenous (Indio/Cholo)? I know he's not a Black Ecuadorian since you are phrasing it this way. Ecuador has a predominantly Black region along the Pacific coast near Colombia. I thought Black Latina meant yall were Black women from "Latin" America...???

At March 8, 2010 at 11:16 AM , Blogger Mr. Martin said...

I am confused? What are you implying or meaning when you say that your mother is Black and your father is Ecuadorian? Also you say and use African American interchangeably?? But you never gave a nationality to the term black or a race to the national background Ecuadorian? What race is your is your Ecuadorian father?

Remember, that race and nationality do intersect but are very much two different things!

You should be more clear as to what you mean and also so that we we as a society can improve and also to boost the ultimate goal and empowerment and cause of this Black Latina Movement!

Also Latina is feminine and refers to women!


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