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It's in your blood

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Tuesday, June 14, 2011

It's in your blood

Recently I met someone who unbeknownst to me was a Black Latino but only claimed to only be Black because the relationship they had with their Latino parent was tumultuous, therefore they did not associate themselves with the culture.

I thought what the heck does the culture and ethnicity have to do with the parent. Yes I understand it may be a constant reminder of that parent and whatever was wrong between them but how can you deny your genealogy. My great grandmother (the original black Latina in my family) use to say "el sangre sabes" meaning the blood knows. Referring to it being so embedded in your mind, body and soul that it would just come to you. You would automatically enjoy the food, dance to the rhythms and so on.

Now this isn't the first time I have experienced this. I know of a few people that have denounced a race/ethnicity due to an experience with their parents and upbringing. But I can't help but wonder if there was an opportunity for advancement at a career would they then accept the race/ethnicity selfishly for the betterment of themselves and take advantage of it to their convenience.

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At June 15, 2011 at 12:22 PM , Blogger W Bill Smith said...

I was talking to a brother who grew up in West Oakland (Oakland's answer to Bed-Stuy). Listening to the way he talked, no one would ever know that he is Panamanian. I asked him why he squashed his language and culture? He told me it was a matter of surviving in the hood where there were very few Latinos.

His answer was almost similar to another response I received in my own Blog: “Is It Shameful to be Latino?”

I threw that question out on my blog because I was wondering why so many Latinos, white, brown, and black were downplaying their heritage. So far I only got one response.

At June 15, 2011 at 12:24 PM , Blogger W Bill Smith said...

Congratulations on a steadily growing blog. I keep trying to catch up with you in terms of Followers, but you keep inching up and up. LOL.

At June 21, 2011 at 10:34 PM , Blogger The Missing Us... said...

I just wrote the longest response to this and it deleted :-/ In summary, I think its much more complicated than one choosing to 'denounce' a side. I think denounce is a strong word. In response to Bill, Panas overlap with different identity and our language pattern is unique in that those of us with West Indian roots already have English as a part of us somewhere, there's a generational difference in whose english only, spanish only, both from birth ... so how we interact with languages and black faces there and as we end up here in the states - it's complicated. Those of us with one Af Am parent and another immigrant parent, more than likely if we end up in a split home with the Af Am parent, we may lose contact with the immigrant side of the family. What happens? You don't get exposed to the food, the music, etc. There aren't social spaces either to support your identity. The only Latinos in town are mainly Mexican and they don't know about their Black roots in their country. So you're an outsider to the dominant Latino group. They may you can fill out the scholarship, it's only Latino students, not Black students smh... you run with who you look like, there's a dominant Af Am community, there's not much space for ethnic identity, you role with the race factor - you don't have Black friends to speak Spanish with. Your teachers tell you mark one 'race'. They say you aren't Latino, you're African American. You are always constantly fighting for your identity ... We don't just choose. Maybe some of us can't explain how we feel and our experiences, but we don't just choose. If I looked like J.Lo, if I spoke no Spanish, mugs would be calling me Latina. If I look like Serena Williams and didn't speak Spanish, nobody would be saying I'm Latina. Unless you're in a community that understands ... and in the US, a black body, hispanophone or anglophone name, that doesn't speak spanish, who says I'm Latin@ - people aren't hearing that. When you're a child and you learn that people aren't hearing that, your identity is yours, yours alone, in your head, until you find a community or setting that allows you to express it.

At June 21, 2011 at 10:40 PM , Blogger The Missing Us... said...

Excuse the typos - there was a part I messed up. I've applied for Latino scholarships and didn't get picked. As much as I am honest, I was qualified but I'm black. Michigan not hearing nothing about no Black Latinos. I would've been the only Black Latina going for that scholarship. Someone else tells me thats the reason too, so you have these organizations or structures or individuals in place that remind you, "ah ah ah, not for a black body, black bodies belong in this box." For an adult, maybe they can deal with it if they're coming over here from the country, they have their ideologies already in place - it could be frustrating but overall their identity is in tact, but their kid and/or their kid's kid ... Gotta ask what region their in, what hood their from... different narrative.

At June 22, 2011 at 5:28 PM , Blogger W Bill Smith said...

“I've applied for Latino scholarships and didn't get picked. I was qualified but I'm black. Michigan not hearing nothing about no Black Latinos.”

@The Missing Us,
How long ago was this? That sounds like a civil rights case. Michigan needs to get educated.

Bill Smith

At June 23, 2011 at 4:37 PM , Blogger The Missing Us... said...

I agree Bill!

At June 29, 2011 at 6:33 PM , Blogger The Missing Us... said...

Bill! This made me think of your comment. It's by a stunningly beautiful and awesome African-American woman who grew up in a predominantly white community. When that word 'survival' came up, I thought about this convo


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