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Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Magazine World

So I was appalled and shocked when I saw a link on Facebook that Latina Magazine was having an Afro Latina week in fashion.

At first it is misleading because you think, ok well they are finally showing us some love although it is just a week... something is something! But then come to find out it was what the week was a tribute for. It was to some celebrity Afro Latinas and how they find the right clothes or makeup shade in fashions for themselves. So for example the right red lipsticks being that the 80's fad of red lipstick is coming back. And I thought ok this could be a good thing to finally recognize Black Latinas in the industry because there has been many of us that have not gotten the shine we deserve.

But then I got extremely angry like really Latina Magazine... One Week! One week.... Really?! Now I know I should be happy and grateful it is an accomplishment but still... We deserve more then a week. So I thought how would they integrate the Black Latina world into Latina magazine because clearly they know we are a sub group within the Latina community as a whole. But how would they go about doing this in a unifying way without making it seem as though we are a separated group of people. Doing it in a positive way and not in a negative way as if we are segregated, which we know to a degree we are but we are trying to move past that.

I ask because many feel by me creating the Black Latina Movement I have sparked a huge division amongst my people so now I ask you. How do you bring light to a sub-group within a larger group without causing further division?

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At June 1, 2011 at 6:59 PM , Blogger W Bill Smith said...

Sparked a huge division? Please. I've visited seven Latin American countries and in each one, most whites are on the top and most darkies are on the bottom. An Afro-Latino friend of mine was the only black in his graduating class in his country and the only one who did not get hired.

Why do so many Latinos deny there is racism in their respective communities and nations?
At least Fidel Castro had the guts to speak out against racism in Cuba. How many other Latin-American leaders speak out? I've blogged this question over a year ago and no one has been able to give me a logical answer yet.

Racism: Latin-American Style

At June 6, 2011 at 8:46 AM , Blogger The Missing Us... said...

I responded to this in my blog:, thought it'd be interesting to put here, too!

Latina Magazine celebrated Afro-Latina Week in April, but I’m not sure if this is a Latina Magazine thing only or if this was more widespread. I have mixed feelings about assigned celebrations vs. consistent integration and acknowledgment of a given group at large. This is for AfroLatin@s, African-Americans, or other groups that do not receive consistent representation due to structural and historical oppression.

I wonder what others think about this.

But I hate to be cynical when people try to take steps in the right direction so I think covering Afro-Latinas is awesome, but featuring more Afro-Latinas (and Chinese-Latinas for example) regularly would be more awesome.

Some would argue, why isolate a group because Latinos are mixed with so many different cultures and backgrounds. Well, my response would be there are different societal implications for groups based on degree of skin color (and the history associated with that skin color), hair texture, etc and by extension, whether we say ‘race’ or ‘color’ and therefore ‘racial discrimination’ or ‘colorism’, how people are treated or perceived based on these attributes carry weight given the hierarchies that structure our systems. People may not perceive to experience interpersonal colorism because of what they look like, but structurally, who may be lacking services? Who may be more likely to be targeted? Who may be more likely to be seen as right, legitimate, beautiful, authentic, etc.? Does the group have political representation? Is a group represented in media? Whose image is the standard?

How does one’s biography connect to history and how does that impact a group today?

If words like ‘mayate’ exist to describe a black person, then this is an issue that needs to be discussed and put into context.

Peace sis!


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